Innovation Platform- Improving Employee Engagement
Young, creative and ambitious people entering the employment market want more than just a job unlike members of the previous generation. Experts specializing in this field say these individuals want the occupations in which they choose to make their mark to be reflection of their personal lives. In addition to lucrative paychecks and attractive perks, they want their workplace to be an environment where they can showcase their creative abilities. They also want to stand out among the crowd when it comes to being instrumental in generating revenue for the organizations they work for. Businesses who want to take advantage of this valuable human resource need to come up with effective strategies to attract them.
Innovation platform– How can it improve employee engagement within your organization?
These professionals explain that it is possible for entrepreneurs to improve employee engagement within their organization when they make effective use of an innovation platform. With this mechanism, these proprietors can achieve the following 5 important objectives:
- Valuable feedback
You need to remember that your employees are your organization’s most reliable resources when it comes to obtaining first-hand market intelligence. They are the individuals who come into direct contact with your customers, suppliers, distributors,regulatory authorities and the general public. People regard them as the representatives for your product’s brand.
- Digital experience
Young people entering the today’s workforce prefer to call themselves ‘Generation Y’. Theygrew up mastering various forms of digital gadgets. They regard the internet, transparency and the various social media networking platforms to be essential part of their existence. Even when they take up the occupations of their choice, these youngsterswant their working lives to reflect this digital experience. This is a fact you cannot afford to ignore.
- Idea generation
In long-run, businesses who are unable to embrace a culture that encourages innovative thinking will be losing out in the marketplace. This is the reason why many of these entrepreneurs are taking the initiative to create multidisciplinary teams. The objective of these proprietors is to channelize the creative talents of employees working in such organizations towards solving the problems they face in operating their businesses.
- Responsibility
Generation Y employees are always striving to make a positive contribution to the organizations that employ them. They also want to get the proper recognition they deserve for their efforts. At the same time, many of these workers go out of their way to promote the social responsibility campaign initiatives their employers engage in for improving society. In many case, they are willing to be its brand ambassadors.
- Training and labor turnover
Such a platform helps entrepreneurs to introduce effective training schemes to improve the efficiency of their workforce. It acts a catalyst in the professional advancement of such employees. This also goes a long way in reducing labor turnover considerable.
Experts predict that businesses who do make an effort to promote a culture that encourages innovation within their organization will not be able to attract creative individuals. However, it is possible for you to ensure people with exemplary talents work for your organization by implementing an effective innovation platformwithin your organization. It can go a long way in reducing labor turnover and enhancing your revenues.